Saturday, December 5, 2009

Church Guest Letter Sample Does Being Black Means Being Christian?

Does being black means being Christian? - church guest letter sample

If so, you make me so. It is very difficult for me just now, black, and an agnostic. My father is in my case all the time and tell them to come. We went to this father and son, what in your church today morning and had a guest who has basically the message that if you do not teach their children, especially young men, they turned away from him and the rebels . Then he goes to a sad, how's your fault, I think I'm with you. I do not understand. In fact, no one has. I'm like a minority, a minority. Has anyone advice or help?

Oh, I also wrote a letter, because I often write to my father when the accident, but I do not think he sent them.


  1. Yes, he was right, the revolt of the young men especially subseptable. Young people tend to want to act for their own learning about the life of the knocks and bumps on the road. Always easy to get people on certain occasions, instances where fighting particulartly. Tell your father not your fault, you just want the chance to touch the iron of life and discover who you are. Ultimately, you will be happier, healthier person.

  2. No, it does not. I am black and I'm an atheist.

    Irrespective of racial or ethnic origin does not determine its final position on the issue of religion, if you look around the world and other countries, the answer lies in front of you,
    There are black Jews, black, Muslim, etc. You do not need Christ have a being, if you do not want.

    Her father has strong religious beliefs and he is an agnostic, I believe you and it should simply agree to disagree on the question of religion.

  3. Race and religion are two different things. They seem very close to its identity as a minority and as a black man.

    So no, this does not mean at all.

  4. Race and religion are two different things. They seem very close to its identity as a minority and as a black man.

    So no, this does not mean at all.

  5. Yes, he was right, the revolt of the young men especially subseptable. Young people tend to want to act for their own learning about the life of the knocks and bumps on the road. Always easy to get people on certain occasions, instances where fighting particulartly. Tell your father not your fault, you just want the chance to touch the iron of life and discover who you are. Ultimately, you will be happier, healthier person.
